The following are the advisory commissions of the Commune of Niederanven, with a brief description of their tasks.

The Commission for Social Affairs is a commission established by the Board of Aldermen to promote, through opinions and proposals, equal opportunity and enable all generations to participate in the life of the commune, particularly young people, the elderly and disadvantaged people, in the domains of health and well-being, sport and culture.
The members of the Commission for Social Affairs include a coordinator from each of the Culture, Sports and Douzelage Teams, each of whom represents his or her Team on the Commission.
Metty Cungs
Representative of the Board of Aldermen:
Jacques Bauer
Roberta Dario
Lena Gries
José Luis Acedo-Castro, Valérie Dell'Angela, Laurent Dura, Nicoline Faber, Michael Feit, Caroline Hoffmann, Véronique Kieffer, Anita Lammar-Petry, Eric Lampach, Evelyne Lietz, David Mallinger, Sarah Mallinger.

The Commission for Housing, Land Use Development, and Buildings is involved in all matters related to the framework plan for the development of land use, the General Development Plan (“Plan d’Aménagement Général”) of the Commune of Niederanven, the framework development plan for public areas in the commune, the commune plan for sustainable mobility, large infrastructure projects, sustainable development in general and in particular the systematic application of the principles of a circular economy, and any matter addressed to it by the Board of Aldermen.
Alex Koob
Cédric Bruch
Gil Mateus
Claude Bormann, Gina Muller-Rollinger, Patrick Reding, Jeff Reuter.

The Commission for Environment advises the Board of Aldermen on issues relating to environmental protection, biodiversity and the sensible use of resources in large-scale projects. The composition of the Commission includes one member of the Climate Team and one member of the Nature Team, which helps ensure that projects falling within the framework of the Climate Pact and Nature Pact are implemented optimally. As part of events such as the European Mobility Week, the Day of the Tree and the Fairtrade Weeks, the Commission for Environment undertakes initiatives to raise awareness among the residents of the commune.
Gregorio Mongorelli
Representative of the Board of Aldermen:
Josselijn de Vries
Kevin Becker
José Cavalheiro Pereira
Josep Bonet, Manuel Brandt, Birgid Felke Leitner, Uli Fielitz, Sandy Fournelle, Georges Frank, Nathalie Heinen, Marc Schlammes, René Schockmel, Anne Schumacher, Fernando Tirado Mateu, Marion van Alphen.

The Commission for Finance examines financial matters submitted to it by the Commune Council or the Board of Aldermen. The main tasks of the Commission are as follows: to provide an advisory opinion on the annual commune budget, the long-term financing plan (PPF), commune regulations, and subsidies for local associations.
Martine Dupong-Kremer
Representative of the Board of Aldermen:
Josselijn de Vries
Marilène Lopes Morais
Ted Schleimer
Victoria Delvaux, Johannes Felke, Nancy Janssen, Laurent Kalmus, Stefanie Land, Dagmara Maziukiewicz, Marthe Scharfe, Marc Vanolst, Marc Wagener, Pitt Wangen, Marc Weirig, Raymond Weydert.

The aim of the Commission for Intercultural Living Together is to promote coexistence in the Commune and to combat all forms of discrimination, racism and prejudice. The Commission implements cultural projects designed to improve coexistence and enhance language skills. These include the Sunday Brunch and the Sproochecafé.
Margaretha Inghelram-Maeyens
Representative of the Board of Aldermen:
Josselijn de Vries
Michelle Bingen
Joe Wians
Tigran Avanesov, Jean-Pierre Barthel, Philippe Bayer, Andreea Braan, Martina Furlan, Danièle Levy, Luk Hon Pan, Georges Paquet, Geeta Rajaraman, Pierre Welter, Rose Scharfe, Jil Steyer.

In accordance with Art. 50 of the Law of 6 February 2009, as amended, on the organisation of elementary education, the School Commission is responsible for:
- coordinating proposals concerning the organisation of schools and school success plans and issuing advisory opinions for the local commune council
- monitoring the implementation of school organisation and the Plan for Success at School;
- promoting the availability and use of after-school child-care facilities by encouraging information exchange and consultation between parents, school personnel and organisations providing child-care outside school hours;
- issuing advisory opinions on reports drawn up by the Agence pour le Développement de la qualité de l'enseignement dans les écoles and bringing to the attention of the Board of Aldermen issues that it deems beneficial or detrimental to the advancement of elementary education;
- issuing advisory opinions on proposals concerning the school budget;
- participating in the design, construction or revamping of school buildings
Fréd Ternes
Regional director:
Joa Baum
School president:
Mike Schmit
School committee:
Carole Krecké
Heads of the Maison Relais:
Elisabeth Breger
Tania Nicolay
Representatives of the parents:
Margarethe Schieser
Vanessa van der Schilden-Meyer
Social assistant:
Marie-Paule Trierweiler
Michèle Lentz
Myriam Bück, Tun Geyer, Michel Theisen, Déborah Storn.

The Commission for Energy Transition advises the Board of Aldermen on issues relating to expanding the use of renewable energies, increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, in heating facilities. The Commission works on concepts and projects that promote climate neutrality in the Commune of Niederanven and in all areas of activity in the commune as much as possible.
Marc Aguilar
Representative of the Board of Aldermen:
Josselijn de Vries
Kevin Becker
Cédric Bruch
Ute Blohm-Hieber, Robert Christophory, Christian Kaempff, Caroline Koch, Armin Koegel, Claude Martin, Régis Moes, Philippe Schmit, Patrick Schumacher, Kenneth Trickett, Guy Uhres.

The responsibilities and tasks of the Rentals Commission are defined by the provisions of the Law of 21 September 2006, as amended, on residential leases.
Martine Dupong-Kremer
Alternate president:
Tom Gilliams
Effective lessor-assessor:
Marguerite Krier
Effective tenant-assessor:
Rui Manuel Carneiro Gonçalves
Alternate lessor-assessor:
Elisabeth Haas
Alternate tenant-assessor:
Margarethe von Merveldt
Bob Scholtes